vortexual [tape sessions] series collection


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This release features the sonic worlds of variant's "vortexual" tape session series which includes all 8 editions clocking in at nearly 9 hours of sonic immersion deeper than the ocean floor. An expansive collection of all the developments which took place over the course of 4 years of recording this truly epic project. The sound design and vast

This release features the sonic worlds of variant's "vortexual" tape session series which includes all 8 editions clocking in at nearly 9 hours of sonic immersion deeper than the ocean floor. An expansive collection of all the developments which took place over the course of 4 years of recording this truly epic project. The sound design and vast array of analog circuitry illuminates these recordings with an ocean like depth, diving deeper than some of the original recordings.

Beautifully articulated commentary from our lovely supporters:

"A truly epic sound adventure. Ever moving and evolving. Washing through your ears like a deep underground river flowing with cavernous, reverberating bass and percussion. Stunning!"

"Probably the best music I’ve ever heard out of the tens of thousands of CDs in my collection. I would love it if this was played at my funeral... Phenomenal work! :) Favorite track: element four [tape session]."

"Echospace makes quantum processes audible. Even the most "static" noise is just part of a beautiful hidden structure."

"It takes some time to get this music. First you hear noise, then you notice movement. Then you notice patterns and finally you're making up little parts in your imagination to go along with it. Transforming."

"Variant is the aural equivalent of light from distant suns. It arrives, full of warmth, from across vast unfathomable distances. Compelled only by the invisible hand of the universe, it surrounds our atmosphere, indifferent to the woes of the world. Gentle, intimate, contented."

"Monumental collection. For the beauty of the sound, for the aura that emerges from it, i'd list these albums among the best and most important music collections of all time. The Dub Techno pillar is here, composed by 8 boulders, one above the other. Like Thomas Pynchon in modern literature, with his mammooth and eccentric books, this is Variant's master work and no one will ever rise easily above his level. This is pure absolute love in analogue tapes."

"Thank you so much for the warm exchange we had, and this collection ... This is an incredible chance you gave me. Thank you for those warm colors reflecting in my mind while winter came over Paris. You hold my heart."

"This Vortexual Tape Sessions series is simply astonishing. It's all there, in its most subtle form: the hiss, the resonance; the drone; the warmth; the space. Not a second of my time wasted. Brilliant. Favorite track: element one [tape session]."

"This is the ultimate look at the evolution of sound as created by Variant. Everything is embedded in these great sound-worlds in various permeations of modern electronic mixing and recording. Favorite track: element one [tape session]."

"element five = sex musik Favorite track: element five [tape session]."

Thank you for your support of these analogue dreams!

written & produced by variant. additional modular development(s) by jamal wallace and n.s. @ antique modulation [detroit] mi | usa. recorded and dubbed down to tape from 2013 - 2016.

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